Bill Payment Assistance

As part of KUB’s commitment to its customers, KUB provides support and assistance resources for customers who may have difficulty paying their utility bill. 

KUB customer service representatives are available to talk with customers about assistance options. KUB works with customers to develop individualized solutions including payment arrangements with monthly installments, levelized billing, and payment due date extensions. 

Additionally, KUB Customer Counselors work with a partner network of approximately 200 agencies work to provide bill payment assistance to those in need.

Please call KUB at 865-524-2911 or one of our partner service agencies listed below if you think you will have trouble paying an upcoming bill. Assistance resources may also be found by calling 211 East Tennessee at 865-215-4211.

Project Help

Project Help is an emergency energy assistance program that assists people in need living within the KUB service area, regardless of the energy source in their home. Project Help is committed to helping customers who need financial assistance on their utility bills.

For more information about Project Help, click here.

To apply for Project Help assistance, call 865-637-6700.

Connect to Savings

Whether you’re looking to make major home improvements or you simply want to use energy and water more efficiently, KUB can connect you with resources and tips.


Water Savers

KUB Water Savers provides emergency plumbing repairs for households in need. 


Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program & Additional Resources

LIHEAP is a federally funded grant program that assists qualifying households in meeting their energy needs. The LIHEAP application must be submitted through an agency based on the customer's county of residence. 

Knox County

Blount County

  • Blount County Community Action Agency (CAA)

    Blount County residents may be eligible for LIHEAP assistance, as long as funding is available. Eligibility is also based on a priority point system so that households with members who are elderly, disabled and/or under the age of six. Persons interested in applying for assistance should contact Blount County Community Action Agency for an appointment and application.

Anderson and Union Counties

  • East Tennessee Human Resources Agency (ETHRA)
    Anderson County: 865-457-3352 
    Union County: 865-992-8816

    ETHRA, like CAC, facilitates the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which helps families with their home energy bills. Assistance is available once a year, and emergency funds are set aside for families facing a shut-off or energy services. Applications are taken quarterly during the months of January, April, July, and October. Please call 1-844-309-0416 two weeks before these months begin to find out if you are eligible to receive these funds.

Grainger, Jefferson, and Sevier Counties

  • Douglas-Cherokee Economic Authority
    Grainger County: 865-828-5228 
    Jefferson County: 865-475-4745 
    Sevier County: 865-453-7131

    The Douglas-Cherokee Economic Authority administers the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which  provides assistance with home heating and cooling needs and is open to all households that meet income guidelines and provide documentation of all household income.