KUB purchases natural gas on the open market for resale to customers. Although market prices do fluctuate, KUB purchases natural gas throughout the year to smooth out market prices. We then simply add the cost of delivering gas to the wholesale rate without any additional markup. This method allows KUB to maintain a reliable supply of natural gas for its customers while keeping costs as low and smooth as possible.Below is a brief explanation of KUB's natural gas rates.


Commercial G-4 (Rates are Stated in Dollars per therm*)  
0-250 Therms $0.9870
250+ Therms $0.8679
Customer Charge $31.00

*Meters are read using cubic feet while gas is billed using Therms (100,000 BTUs). To convert, simply multiply hundreds of cubic feet (CCF) by 1.06. Example: 100 CCF x 1.06 = 106 Therms.


Commercial G-6 (Rates are Stated in Dollars per therm*) 
0-30,000 Therms $0.6246
30,000+ Therms $0.5266
Demand Charge $2.05 per Therm of Demand
Customer Charge $185.00


*Meters are read using cubic feet while gas is billed using Therms (100,000 BTUs). To convert, simply multiply hundreds of cubic feet (CCF) by 1.06. Example: 100 CCF x 1.06 = 106 Therms.

Commercial G-7 (Rates are Stated in Dollars per Dekatherm*) 
Firm $5.266
0-3,000 Dekatherms $4.462
3,001-20,000 Dekatherms $3.839
20,001-50,000 Dekatherms $3.008
50,001+ Dekatherms $2.728
Demand Charge $20.50 per Dekatherm of Demand
Customer Charge $575.00

*Meters are read in thousand cubic feet while gas is billed using dekatherms. To convert, simply multiply thousands of cubic feet by 1.06. Example: 100 MCF x 1.06 = 106 dekatherms.


Commercial G-11 (Rates are Stated in Dollars per Dekatherm*)
Firm $5.266
Transportation Charge
0-3,000 Dekatherms $2.449
3,001-20,000 Dekatherms $1.826
20,001-50,000 Dekatherms $0.995
50,001+ Dekatherms $0.715
Demand Charge $20.50 per Dekatherm of Demand
Customer Charge $750.00

*Meters are read in thousand cubic feet while gas is billed using dekatherms. To convert, simply multiply thousands of cubic feet by 1.06. Example: 100 MCF x 1.06 = 106 dekatherms.


Natural Gas Rates Database
Schedule Demand
G-4 Commercial and Industrial Gas Service
G-6 Commercial and Industrial Gas Service with demand greater than 27 therms per month
G-7 Interruptible Commercial and Industrial Gas Service
G-11 Transportation Gas Service