Meter Modernization

KUB is committed to improving the value of our service through efficiency, innovation and communication. To meet the needs of current and future customers, KUB is installing advanced meters across its system through the Century II grid modernization program. Century II is KUB’s long-range program to improve and maintain our utility systems for our current and future customers.

The advanced meters offer many benefits for both customers and KUB. Advanced meters provide more accurate measuring of utility usage, allow KUB to respond to outages quicker and reduce the need to read meters on the customer’s property. They also reduce field technician visits, lowering cost and keeping vehicles off the road.

For more information, see our Frequently Asked Questions and Advanced Meter Safety whitepaper.

Communication Infrastructure

KUB's meter modernization program uses a combination of wireless and fiber technologies to provide metering services and support new technology to improve electric reliability. KUB will deploy roughly 300 miles of fiber optic cable to connect the electric substations and other key components of our remote system infrastructure. This work is expected to be completed by 2026. These fiber connections will provide almost instantaneous status information on KUB’s electric distribution system, pinpointing problem areas and allowing us to respond more quickly to restore power when outages occur. Excess capacity on this fiber system may also present opportunities for KUB to explore other potential uses for this technology in the future.

If you would like to provide input about KUB's exploratory efforts related broadband services, please email .