TeenWork is a career readiness program, founded in 1995. The program assists high school juniors in learning the necessary skills to succeed in a workplace environment. TeenWork teaches students how to obtain employment, learn employer expectations, gain on-the-job skills, and acquire the confidence necessary to succeed.

TeenWork introduces students to the real world of work—giving them an opportunity to interview for a summer job with KUB and its business partners.

Participants must attend planned meetings, sessions, and field trips. All are held one Saturday out of the month or on student holidays during the spring semester.


To be eligible to participate in TeenWork, students must

  • Be a high school junior at Austin-East, Fulton, Central, or South Doyle
  • Earn a 2.5 or higher GPA
  • Complete the program interest application and interview process
  • Be available to attend sessions
  • Show enthusiasm for learning

Program Sessions

From January to May, selected students attend a series of training sessions where they acquire skills and learn about the following: 

Personality Types Workplace Etiquette
Goal Setting Resume Writing
Time Management Online Applications
Money Management Interviewing
Diversity in the Workplace Community Service
Communication Team Building
Professional Dress Workplace Careers

Summer Work Experience

Students who successfully complete the program sessions are given the opportunity to interview for an eight-week, paid summer job with KUB and its business partners. TeenWorkers are placed with a mentor who provides them with value-added tasks and projects to learn more about their career areas of interest.

Career areas include: 

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Customer Service and Customer Support
  • Communications
  • Computer Technology
  • Engineering
  • Human Resources
  • Labs and Regulatory Compliance
  • Procurement
  • Transportation
  • Construction (Underground and Overhead)
  • Health Sciences

Through the TeenWork program, student gain hands-on job training, mentorship from a professional, and real-world experience.